Positive Meals

How often do you go out to eat and you feel like you need to finish everything but then later you pay it for with a stomach ache or some gassy bowels? It has happened to all of us for sure. The easiest way to avoid this is simply don’t go out to eat, or save your restaurant nights out for special occasions.

The most positive solution for eating healthy is at home where you can plan your meals. When you plan your meals you are not willy nilly grabbing things at the grocery store. You have a list and know exactly what you need. When you shop off your list is when you start buying things that are fast and easy. You start buying junk food. I am not gonna tell you what you should eat, it is different for all of us but what you should do is plan your meals eat more healthy and erase the need to finish everything. You will find that it actually saves time to plan ahead too!

A healthy meal at home is a positive meal for your body and your mind. Eating healthier and taking the time to plan meals you will find yourself feeling a lot better about who you are. I have planned my meals and it is so beneficial because you can control your portion size too! I am about to go shopping again because I am out of food….That is the best part about positively planned meals, you use everything you buy and when you’re at the store you can buy yourself a healthy snack for the days you just want to eat a little more. For instance, right now I really have no food left but I am really hungry, but It is so easy to fight it when there really is nothing in the house. All I have to do is fight my will power to wait until I go shopping!

This April health month is more so about ways to be healthy of course but a healthy body is a positive body. A nourished body is a more alert body, and stronger body. Ultimately It puts you in a more positive mood.

I have made a handful of goals for this month and I am doing quite well with them.https://upwithmarc.com/2015/04/01/im-no-fool-this-april/ I have stayed away from sugary things and I am eating less. Last week I was 20 miles short of my goal of 50 miles biking, walking or kayaking, But this week I did 70 miles to make up for what I missed. For the record I am now 10 pounds down and I still have a half of month to go. The most positive benefit I am getting from this month is building a routine to continue even after month’s end.

Have a positive and healthy day and I hope you shop well the next time you are at the grocery store.

About upwithmarc

A creative mind takes no label. A positive mind sees past that which is easy to find. Find the things you love in life and share them with others. I am an artist. I am a positive thinker. I am on a quest to love everything life gives to me. On the outside I am no different then anyone else but on the inside I feel I have a lot of different things to share. My goal is to find those willing to listen. Those willing to share there thoughts in return. I have a long list of goals in my life, some I have met and all the rest I am getting closer to every day. I want to write a book, I want to be a motivational speaker, I want to own an art gallery, just to name a few.

Posted on April 15, 2015, in April Health, Ways Of Ultra Positivism and tagged , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 2 Comments.

  1. I made a commitment to buy more from the fruit and veg aisle and as little as possible from the packaged food aisles. I got fed up of picking up a box and not recognising half of the ingredients. First thing I noticed was significantly fewer headaches. I also have more energy.
    I didn’t stick to any system of calorie counting etc as I knew I wouldn’t stick to it. This has worked well for me.

    Liked by 1 person

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