Blog Archives

Are You For Real?

I am a real person with real goals and real failures and real success and real feelings. I am not trying to hide anything, but I will change everything I do not like in my life!

You owe it to yourself to be real! Sure in high school maybe it was fun to try to be real cool, but you know darn well that’s not the real you. What are your passions? What are your feelings? What are your dreams? Are you living your life or some other life?

Stop spending time trying to be someone you’re not because you will NEVER get anywhere you want to in life. Being real is about being yourself. No matter what people say and no matter what people think, your own personal approval of yourself is what matters. You will hit hard times but its your own character that is going to conquer those challenges! You got to live your life from your eyes not from all the eyes looking at you.

I have always considered myself to be original. I truly am on a quest to love all life has to offer and that includes bits and pieces from all over the world, all things, and all ideas. I want to accept everything into my life and use my favorite parts to shape my future and all of you would be wise to do the same. It is one step toward a more positive world one person at a time!

Love your life and love each new year of it. HAPPY NEW YEARS!

Pablo Neruda FQF

“Laughter is the language of the soul.”
– Pablo Neruda

Laughter is not only the language of the soul it is also a universal expression for positive amusement. When you laugh everyone knows what that means. Your soul can be regarded as a separate entity to your body, derived of thoughts, feelings and actions. Your soul is a positive part of your body.  No one has to learn to laugh it is something we are born with. The reason Pablo is saying, laughter is the language of the soul, is because we all have a positive soul. We all have a soul that is strengthened by laughter. We all have the positivism in us, it is the life we live and the choices we make that bring that positivism out.

Today, what positive things are you thinking about. What are the positive things you are doing today?

Laughter is the positive cure for almost anything. Make sure you have laughter in your life today and every day.

Dr. Eric Perry’s Blog

Motivate | Inspire | Uplift

Iris Grace Painting

Art Prints, Original Paintings, a Best Selling Book & An Incredible Autism Journey

Solo Hiker

Solo hiking is an amazing challenge. Let's go... and keep going!


The ultimate guide for independent travellers seeking inspiration, advice and adventures beyond their wildest dreams

Faith, Love, and Autism

finding hope in the midst of uncertainty

Go Forward ...

Inspirational Quotes, Meditations, Affirmations and Thoughts to Share