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Dying Kindness? (A must read)

Not a very positive title I know but it was hard to title this one. I know right off the bat that negativity sells. Negativity gets way more attention in our society than anything positive. That human instinct that draws us to be more interested in negativity is probably drawing more of you to this post than normal, just by the title. No big deal it is natural. But those that came here to read a negative story might be disappointed. I will touch on a few negative things, but it is more so making you aware of things so you can choose to be positive.

I have sworn off TV/radio news, and most of TV sitcoms and reality shows, it is just way to negative and depressing for me. I am certainly not telling you to, but I can tell you why I have. I know you can argue that there are good shows and good news stories. It would not be an argument you would be right. However, the amount of people dying, the crime, and immature and pointless stories you have to go through to get to anything positive or inspirational is just gross. Yes, these things I want to avoid are part of everyday life, but you can turn the table around and realize how many good things that are out there also and part of your everyday life as well. I don’t have facts and numbers to throw at you but it is a fact that there are WAY MORE good people and positive things happening in our world then bad. It is all about what we choose to pay attention too.

One compliment for Facebook, I am following any good page I can find. I jump on my Facebook and it is one positive story after another all the time. I fully enjoy any positive posts I see from my friends as well. I just wish those that choose to complain and grab negative attention would try posting more positive things once in a while. Sure you’re not going to get dozens of likes and comments for sympathy or debate but to me it is not worth it. Whenever I post I always hope for the like approval or even a nice comment but sometimes I don’t get anything. Even if it is just at a glance I know you are reading my comments and my blog, even if you don’t acknowledge it. I am grateful for your following. I have grown to be grateful for the opportunity to share positive things with people all over the world. There are many that don’t even have the freedom to try to spread positivism.

The reason I like to remain positive, nonreligious and nonpolitical in my blog is simply for the positive challenge. I know if I start talking about the negative things in my life, sadly this blog will be more interesting to more people. If I start sharing my religious views my followings would be out the roof, there is a lot of positivism to be shared in the name of religion. If I shared my political views I am sure I can easily gather a large following to continually debate. NO I just want plain positivism to ourselves and to others. We can always use more positivism but really we need more people in this world to follow a life of positivism. I know we are all not positive robots. Things in our life will totally suck sometimes but we are going to get past them. The sun will rise again on a new day. There are endless opportunities out there for all of us. There are endless ways we can be positive and share positivism.

To my point of dying kindness is what it seems is happening all around us, or perhaps just me. One of the reasons I want to travel is I have a strong need to experience other people and other cultures. Just with my visit to Texas last weekend I realize how much nicer people are their then here in Chicago, in general of course. I got an “excuse me sir” just coming out of a public bathroom as I almost walked into him. I was uncomfortable at first because I was not used to that but I realize later how polite that was and pretty much just wanted to find the guy and thank him for his kindness. The idea of dying kindness seems to be all around me. Returning people’s calls or messages all the time does not seem to matter to people anymore. Compliments without acknowledgement. Being nice to people is labeled as being too nice now. SERIOUSLY why do we live in a society were being too nice is a problem? To many kind words freak people out these days. I’m nervous shelling out compliments to new girls, they either seem to be weirded out, or think I want to get in their pants. When I give a guy a compliment it is even more uncomfortable. Communication is dying, everyone seems to just assume now. No one seems to take inititive to make the first move for what they are interested in, they wait for others. Even when you say or do something nice it goes unacknowledged. The nervousness to giving compliments I would like to lose. I used to compliment people all time but it made them uncomfortable. I will just let people take it however they wish now. If it comes off as weird or unwanted flirting too bad! I never ever have bad intentions toward anyone. A word we need to use more often is love. If you love someone or something SAY IT! I don’t care if it is the chocolate covered gummy bears at or your favorite candy shop or a first date or your family pet. Profess that love. In a world were kindness seems to be dying, love is a strength that will keep it alive. Don’t let communication die, don’t let kindness die, don’t let love for one another die. Think Positive share positive and worry not of your consequences.

I LOVE ALL OF YOU! Be kind and share my blog with your friends. You have already complimented me by reading, why not take it one step farther and click and share this kindness with those that you love.


There are 3 types of people: negative people, people with the desire to be positive, and naturally positive people. I would give everything in my life to be naturally positive. I certainly don’t have it harder than most people and I am grateful for things I do have in my life, but most things don’t seem to come easy for me. You have heard the term “worth fighting for” right? That seems to sum up my life, and my mentality. I am always fighting for better things, trying my best, and holding on to the best things that have ever happened to me.

A lot of good things in my life, physically and figuratively have died. A lot of good things still exist, but the hardest thing to loss is a good thing. Bad things slip out of our thoughts and disappear, and sometimes good things lost, never really leave. You would think with all I have going that positivism comes natural but it does not. However I try my best and positivism sinks in more and more every day.

I guess what I am trying to say is I am no better or different than anyone else, I choose to be positive as much as possible and so can you. Everything we do in life is a choice. Sometimes we make good choices, sometimes we make bad ones. If we can learn something from the bad ones we could say that it was still a positive experience. Everything I write in this blog mostly relates to things in my life, and taking positive spins off of my realities. The hardest thing of all for someone in my positive fighting position is practicing what I preach. I can shell out positive info to no end, but I still struggle sometimes to nail down what I say and apply it to my life when needed. Most of it sinks in but I do have my days were life just kicks my butt and I need someone to come and set me straight.

The fight for pure positivism in my life WILL NEVER STOP! There is a lot of good for us all out there, and it is worth it to me to keep fighting for it. Some of it will come easy and some of it you will have to fight for. Some of it will fill your heart, and some of it will break your heart. If I see something good I will go after it. If I see something bad I will destroy it. I know one thing for sure, negativity may come around once in a while but positivism will ALWAYS take over. Good things will align where they are meant to be. I have hit a few more speed bumps in my life recently and some others have returned but I think I am wired for a challenging life. To that I say BRING IT ON! If you can’t enjoy a challenge you will never fully enjoy your life.

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