Blog Archives

2017 In Review

I decided to put together a picture video review. I am really glad I did too. I was having fun putting it together and it was not till I watch the video myself that I got really excited. I have been down on myself for not achieving the one goal I set out to achieve. I have been really beat down about so many things this past year. All of that negative has clouded up my head and this video was a nice reminder of all the things I have done and accomplished. I hope you enjoy watching it. Some of the pictures may need explanation but every one of them does mean something important to me! HAVE FUN! HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Lonely Focus

I have given up many things to be where I am today in the light of my future goals. I will not be the first to tell you that change is not easy but I can tell you that determination will get you where you are meant to be.

Everything happens for a reason, everyone we meet and everything that happens to us has a great reason that is up to us to discover. I can do anything I put my mind to and if it is too easy I don’t just settle. If it feels natural, then down the line it is certain to be littered with challenges. Seeking out and agreeing to shut off my whole land life to work on a cruise ship was not easy. I was a nervous wreck. I stepped foot on that cruise ship for the first time as a worker and I knew I belonged there. Working on the cruise ship is where I vented out every negative thought I had: It was several emails that would scare the crap out of you, addressed to some of the most amazing people on this planet! This is also where I fell in love with the ocean!

I returned home and for me it was not a happy homecoming. I pulled the plug here, things with me were dying inside, friendships were disappearing, and sadly I was losing connection with my family. I was always the weird one in my family and just when they got me all figured out it was like an explosion of change. I felt like they did not understand what was going on, and sometimes neither did I. Do not misunderstand, I love my family and I know they care about me but I don’t think they understand the magnitude of this change that has sparked a fire in me. Riddled with a life of negatives I wanted out. I am constantly working on a full life of positivism and in order to do that I had to leave. I was granted that window to leave and I moved to Florida! The Ocean was calling my name.

I went from leaving everything temporarily to leaving it for good. Yes for good. I left my family, my friends, my Scout group, my bike rides, my soccer team, my pizza, and about 75% of everything I owned. You know what change looks like? A packed Chevy Cobalt with a bike on the back and a kayak on top, driving 1200 miles straight through with a known history of falling asleep behind the wheel. I pulled away from my sister’s house, set my GPS, then my music and just cried.

So starts my lonely journey south…. where I am meant to be. I started back socially where I was many years ago; with one friend. It has been easy to make work friends but I am a single guy in a world of couples and married woman. I am certain after 3 years here I am meant to be single and part introvert actually. Sure I get lonely sitting at home on Saturday night getting fat on mediocre pizza and writing blogs, but I am meant for greater things and I have to keep reminding myself that. I need to stay focused on my goals.

Goals are what brought me down here, goals run my life. My social life has taken a huge hit but it is an underlining reality that I need the time to make myself bigger each day. It’s an open door to better consider what is best for my future as a motivational speaker. By any means is this lonely lifestyle boring? Anything but that really. The physical journeys have been plentiful with all my travels the last few years but I believe the time has come to focus my mind on my future career. I will never stop inspiring those willing to listen, and I will always be learning from any of your feedback as well. Life is amazing and more amazing as you find your passion and make your dreams come true.

Figure It Out

It is very inspiring what we can discover through hard times. We just have to be open to receive the messages within the challenges of change in our lives. Positivism, gratitude, empathy and progress should be our main focus to figuring out each of our lives.

Taking Advice

Taking advice from others is not always the easiest or it is not always the right answer. Can we all take notice that most advice we receive is merely people that care that are just trying to help?

Fight For Good

When everything in your life seems to have died there is still plenty of good worth fighting for. Sometimes it is a challenge to stay positive, but I say it is worth that challenge.

If you liked what you heard please feel free to look around my blog with the search feature for subjects of positivism that may interest you.


Friendship Support

Sometimes we try to do hard things ourselves, but we have a good number of friends to support us, be there for us, and often times tell us what we need to hear. Everyone we meet is valuable, making a friend from that meeting is even more valuable.

She Is Only 4

I could not wait till Wednesday to post this! If you love kids and helping others I think you will love this story!


Everyones Attention

I just wanted to share with you an experience I had giving a speech! You can tell I was a bit tired when I recorded this, but I have a lot going on that is beneficial to my future. That means more inspiring post to come!

Joy In Challenges

In order to live a full life you need to challenge yourself. Challenges in life are not always easy but if you find the joy in these challenges you will see a lot better outcome on the things you go after in your life.

Sleep Positive (Audio)

Good sleep is a good thing but you need to pay attention to what you are doing before and after you go to bed to have a positive sleeping experience.

Dr. Eric Perry’s Blog

Motivate | Inspire | Uplift

Iris Grace Painting

Art Prints, Original Paintings, a Best Selling Book & An Incredible Autism Journey

Solo Hiker

Solo hiking is an amazing challenge. Let's go... and keep going!


The ultimate guide for independent travellers seeking inspiration, advice and adventures beyond their wildest dreams

Faith, Love, and Autism

finding hope in the midst of uncertainty

Go Forward ...

Inspirational Quotes, Meditations, Affirmations and Thoughts to Share