100th POST

Intellectual: Developed or guided by the knowledge rather than by personal experience.

I don’t want to live with my nose in a big text book drumming up tons of facts. I love reading for sure so don’t get me wrong, but I want to live outside in the real world experiencing and experimenting with success and failure. I don’t need a masters degree to prove anything. I don’t need to be monetarily rich. I certainly don’t want to brain wash you telling you what to do with your life.

I want to share my positive view points with those willing to read or listen. I want to hear everyone’s opinion too! I want to help everyone I can in any way I can. I have lost so much in my life but gained so much more. The success I seek in life now will never just fall on my lap, I will have to work very hard for it. There will be many downs on my path but when I am going up I am like a positive firecracker.

One thing about me that some of you may know. I have a hard time to this day accepting compliments. Or thinking of myself. That being said I want to take this moment to be a little full of myself in asking something from all of you. Now some of you may not know me in person, some of you I have just met, some of you I have known for many years, some of you are very good friends and some of you have known me for 32 years. I want everyone willing, either now or in the near future to leave a comment on this blog post. Not just any comment, a comment about me. Think back as far or close as you want. Think of a time I have helped you with something important, think of a time I have inspired you, hey maybe even a time I changed your life. In as many words as you want tell me about it. For those that don’t know me very well yet, maybe think of a blog or quote I posted that particularly inspired you and tell me about it. If you don’t have anything to say that is alright, stick around because the future holds many more positive things in it and we are going to live up to all of them together. It is really important to me that you comment. If it is something you do not wish to share in public you can always email me instead (upwithmarc@yahoo.com). I am not in any contest or looking for an ego boost I merely want to gather enough positivism to carry me through the next 100 posts.

I am grateful for all of you who share this blogging journey with me and hope you stick around so all of us together can keep making this a bigger positive experience! Have a great week and I look forward to hearing from you.

About upwithmarc

A creative mind takes no label. A positive mind sees past that which is easy to find. Find the things you love in life and share them with others. I am an artist. I am a positive thinker. I am on a quest to love everything life gives to me. On the outside I am no different then anyone else but on the inside I feel I have a lot of different things to share. My goal is to find those willing to listen. Those willing to share there thoughts in return. I have a long list of goals in my life, some I have met and all the rest I am getting closer to every day. I want to write a book, I want to be a motivational speaker, I want to own an art gallery, just to name a few.

Posted on September 11, 2013, in Background, Challenge, Personal Stories, Successful, Ways Of Ultra Positivism and tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 56 Comments.

  1. Lauren Tuzzolino

    Marc, you have always been a person who wants to listen and give insight to any particular situation. You were a great friend back when we used to stay up until 1am talking and I am sure, if I needed you to, you would do that again today! You do inspire people, just by being yourself. 🙂


  2. I’ve always found your cake designs to be very creative and inspiring to look at. Wishing for you the very best.


  3. I don’t know you but I am happy to be on this journey with you. I like firecrackers. Why be dull? Emma


  4. Marc, I think you are positively motivational. I enjoy your upbeat personality. Keep up the good work. The world needs more of you!


    • Lisa,I am grateful to meet you and Chris and I am happy to see that between the line ups of sass and laughter you can still see the positivism in me. I really appreciate your friendship.


  5. Marc, I love reading your blog. It reminds me that no matter what I put my mind to, I can do it. That attitude has gotten me further and helped me to have more fun than ever before.

    I don’t mourn getting older because every year is better than the last.


    • That is so amazing Christine, I am so happy that I have had such an impact on you. I am glad you are having more fun. You obviously already have a great attitude as well. Getting older is just a term, one that you do not have to accept. I will stick with people guessing I am 25-28! 🙂 Thanks for your amazing words.


  6. Marc, I have been touched by your ability to always be present and attentive when in the company of friends. Whatever hardships you are dealing with, seem to always be set aside. This is not what most people do. Most people jump at the chance to unload their emotions onto their friends, me included 😉 You are always game for having fun with, and humoring my kids. Alma still asks me when I’m going to have art night again! 🙂 Although, you may have a ladder to climb, regarding your career, I can’t see how you could climb much higher as far as being an altruistic human being.


    • Amber, I am so happy that I have connected closer with you and Julio and your kids. I miss art night. I meet a great group of people at those events. You have been one of the insightful people to give me so much feed back on my blog! We need to make art night happen again, or I just need to come over soon anyways. Thank you so much for the inspiring words.


  7. I haven’t known you for long, but you struck me as a positive person. An open minded person with a sense of humor. Its going to be hard to forget donuts and doritos.


    • I love meeting new people, especially on a random trip. I was good to meet you and to me it says a whole lot that you are willing to take the time to say something even though we just met. Thank you so much. I still need to have Doritos and donuts at the same time!


  8. Marc,
    I’ve known you since high school and I’ll always remember just what a nice kind person you’ve always been. I don’t remember harshness or negativity ever coming out of your mouth & that says a lot for anyone! Congratulations on 100 posts! Here’s to the next 100!!


    • Kristen you have probably been more attentive to my blog, quotes and my life, then anyone I know. I am so glad we have reconnected. Some times I catch myself waiting and wondering if your are gonna like my quotes or say something about what I have posted. Ha your are a wonderful person and I look forward to many more likes in my future from you.


  9. Marc, I always look forward to your positive energy. I hope you continue to grow!


    • The funny thing is I know 2 great people, both named Melissa B. I am so happy to hear when people look forward to when and what I post. Warms my hear to the core. I will continue to grow with your support and everyone elses.


  10. You’ve maintained a positive attitude through some difficult situations. I’m glad to know you! 🙂


    • I have indeed, and thank you for recognizing. I have certainly have and still have my fair share of difficult situations and choices. I am glad you were there to help me through some of those challenges.


  11. Marc
    Your positive attitude is very refreshing in a world filled with a lot of negativity!
    Continue on this journey! Everyone needs a little positive feedback in there lives every once in awhile!


    • Rosann, when you and Scott and Marsha told me you followed my blog, I kind had a little personal party of excitement in my head. I am very honored. This world is full of negativity and I am so glad to have the chance to change some of it. Your hospitality is amazing by the way.


  12. Everyone should know what a kind, considerate, and positive person you are. You give every person the benefit of the doubt for their action or lack thereof. You help where you can. I am proud of your outlook on everything, by sharing your positive angle or comment. Your successes to this point are commendable. I admire how much you care about your family and friends.


  13. The only reason we started talking, to my knowledge, was the spaghetti dinner when you were working the ice cream and I said your name was ihop. You were an older scout and since you were open to me as a younger scout I was able to feel more welcome and part of the whole troop because I knew an older, cooler scout. It’s amazing how our friendship has grown through the years and I hope it continues to for many more


    • Brian, from young Scout to adult friend I am honored to still be a part of your life. Our friendship will continue. Scouts seems to be the only place I acquire nicknames! IHOP shall make the history books for sure.

      PS. I am so grateful to have you there for me last Saturday. It will not be forgotten. Stuff happens for a reason glad you were part of the solution.


  14. There are too many memories to count! Most recently reconnecting over a soccer game and a drink to realize we still have a lot to gain from each others friendships. Hearing about how you are taking steps to achieve all of your New goals. But I also remember small exchanges making me smile daily at Jewel, timing breaks together, escaping the front end to hide out in your dept. Basement live journal freewrites with Laurie…you got me hooked on law and order! Monday night tetris at Deans (For freeeeee), Camping, biking, Chicago tourists with san diegans, but best of all GOLDFISH BOAT. Congrats on your 100th post. I hope you have 500 more 🙂 ♡♡


    • Michelle, Michelle, Michelle, there is entire book of crazy awesome memories between you and I. If I never worked at Jewel my life would be completely different right now. It would be completely different without you. Let us not forget Canada. The Goldfish boat night has to be one of my favorites for sure.


  15. Stephanie Biedon

    Not only do I think bunny parents are like the most amazing people on earth but I’ve known you since you were a kid and you became by family when I married Barry. Through the years we all have been through ups and downs and here I am writing this to you. I guess this says it all 🙂


  16. You had just turned 21, and I was the designated driver. Me and your brother were sitting at a table while you were dancing with a group of people and shaking around a glow stick on the dance floor. I admired the fact that you were and still are able to be yourself and express yourself without having any fear whatsoever of what others thought of you.
    I only wish I could be as free spirited as you. You speak your mind, and your thoughts are true. You were awesome! You still are!!


    • Carmen that night was probably one of the only nights that the ladies were coming to me. Which was weird if I think about it because I am sure I looked like a fool with the glow sticks! Somethings never change i do consider myself free spirited. For you Carmen….CORMEN! You still stand tall hands down as THE nicest people I have ever met, which makes it even more great that we are friends.


  17. I agree whole heartedly with your mom’s comments above (Carol Meyer). I especially admire your caring attitude to you family and friends.
    Whenever there is a need for help you are always there for family and friends.
    Just to remember a little of my favorite past adventures with you, I thoroughly enjoyed our adventures with the Boy Scouts, especially backpacking in the mountains at Philmont Scout Ranch, working on your Eagle Scout poject and of course your receiving the Eagle Scout Honor. I especially enjoyed our 100’s of miles riding our bikes together. You were always a joy and often an inspiration to me with your positive and joyful spirit.
    I am very proud of you and will continue to support you where ever your world takes you.


  18. Is it bad that “Recommend Reading” is the first memory from the past that pops onto my mind? For anyone who has no idea what this refers to, one day we borrowed (yeah, that’s a good word for it) a 3 foot long laminated sign from a display in our high school library. We then tossed it on top of Marc’s chocolate brown Dodge Aries station wagon and drove around town looking like some sort of strange library delivery car. We got so many funny looks. For the record, the sign appeared back in the library the next day.

    We did this with all sorts of things, large stuffed animals, our friend Jake, whatever we could put on Marc’s car and get funny looks. We did it for laughs, we did it to entertain, we did it to bring a smile to the lives of those who came across our path. I felt compelled to share this story because it’s a great example of Marc brightening the lives of strangers since he was a teen. This desire to brighten lives is something that has been bestowed upon Marc and anyone he touches.

    Marc, your joy is contagious. Your willingness to keep moving forward through it all is heroic. Prior to your blog you positively affected so many in your direct life and this blog has been such an amazing way for you to positively affect the lives of so many more.

    Keep up the good work you’re doing here. Keep making people’s lives better with every smile, positive quote, and encouraging post.



    • Not bad at all, Somethings people don’t have to understand why things are done. I don’t think we understood why we did it but it was funny at the time. That is what good friends do, HI-larious stuff that makes no sense. You observations of brightening peoples lives is brilliant and correct.

      I have read through almost ever post so far and commented back and this is the only one to bring tears to my eyes so far. Our friendship has rocked on both sides of the spectrum for sure, from love to hate. You were there for my preheroic days, you were there when I was super negative, you were there when I did not want to be a part of this world anymore. Sometimes you were the only one there. To my last breath no matter if we love or hate each other, that glowing memory that fired up purpose in my life will ALWAYS BE THERE. Those dark days are long gone, I am more positive then i ever imagined already and I am not done yet.Thank you with all my Heart

      Tonia Brundage would be proud to see who we are today.


      • You were always there for me too. My second thought was of all the times I’d stay over at your parents house as we grew up. We’d hang out and play games and watch random movies and then once you were in your bed and I was in my sleeping bag we’d just talk about things. At that time many of them were struggles I was having over my parents and their divorce. You’d give me advice and tell me what you had gone through. It may have been one of the safest places I’ve ever had to just let it out and it’s something I will always appreciate.

        And still to this day, I believe that Tonia Brundage seemed so awful to all of us because she was attractive and confident and as 5th graders that terrified us. If only I could find a picture of her from back then to confirm this. 🙂


      • OMG I do remember laying awake till all hours and having serious conversations. We went thru some hard times but certainly we went thru way more good times! 🙂


  19. Uncle marx,
    I haven’t known you for 32 yrs, but I have known you for almost 20. & half of that I lived with you. You taught me to be myself and don’t care if others judge me. You did always encouraged me to be independent and not follow people and their trend. You’ve helped me with art supplies for my projects and sometimes even ideas. you’ve always been there for me, and there if I needed help with anything. I do miss getting slushies together though haha. Thank you for always making me look forward on a positive path. 🙂
    Love ❤
    Your niece


    • WHAT! No way, you were listening to me the whole time? I’m teasing you. Over the years we have established quite a bond I think. Watching you mature over the years has been a very fun and memorable journey. I am grateful that I was able to help guide you in a good direction. You know I will always be there for you. Thank you very much for such a meaningful response. We need to go hunt down Dr. Pepper Slushies very soon!


  20. I don’t really know you, but I commend you on keeping up with your blogging! It’s a lot of work and sometimes things like this feel like it’s pointless when you aren’t getting feedback the way you expect, but you keep at it. Some of the few posts/quotes I’ve read have been inspirational! Keep it up.


    • Thank you very much Lyndsey. I do have to say though that never once have I felt my efforts toward positivism have been pointless. You can not go through life without challenges. Getting feedback is wonderful but not expected. People can read if they want and comment if they want. If I can make one person smile each day I have succeeded.


  21. Marc u are always upbeat and there have been many days when I’ve felt down in the dumps and one of Ur blogs was just enough if not more then enough to bring my spirits back up so I could make it through the day … I have knowen u for awhile but we’ve never really Hung out besides an occasional gathering here and there .. u are a great and inspiring man and I feel privileged to know u 🙂 keep up the great work ..looking forward to many more great words of inspiration and to the next gathering when we can enjoy each others company once again 🙂


  22. Hi Marc, you are a great friend. You listen when a friend is in need, but even better, you seek out people who might not speak up for themselves. Speaking from experience, you made me feel better about life, just by taking the initiative to reach out and ask to hang out. Thanks for that. 🙂


    • Aww Pam you are welcpme. I am honored that you speak so highly of me. I never knew I had that kind of influence on you. From the looks of it things are going very well for you now and I am so hapoy for you. 🙂


  23. Duder, you have consistently been a great friend of mine for the last decade plus change. Too many memories to recount, with many more memories of not being able to remember much at all! Throughout that time I have never met a more loyal, trustworthy, and point-blank honest person. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to call you my friend. Congrats on 100 posts!


    • Honesty is my stronghold. To the point is the only way. When I need to get something out of my head when I am being rediculous I can always count on you to tell it like it is. You have always been there for me and always will be for sure. Your generosity is outstanding and I look forward to more decades of random awesomeness. Thanks Bocaj!


  24. Hi Marc,
    The longer I know you, the more and more impressed I am with you.. When I first met you, you were very young and silly..For example, you used to think farting was funny..lol
    It’s great to see how far you’ve come!! You are maturing by leaps and bounds!
    Your cakes were amazing, very artistic, and this 100th post is very inspiring..
    Keep going !! Get your dreams!! Love ya, Beata


    • “Get your dreams.” I love that! Thank you for the compliments. I know how immiture I was and can be. I certainly have more control over my actions…and bowl movements these days. Ha! The crazy part of life is passing by those that may seem like the will never mature. That’s a great feeling.


  25. Hi Marc. Congratulations on your 100th post. That is quite an achievement. I haven’t known you for very long and I can say you helped me look at my work in a different way- one that clarified what I do and who I am. I admire your enthusiasm and curious nature and your desire to be in the inquiry. It takes courage to take the path less traveled and after reading the many comments here, you are certainly not alone on that road. Good luck and keep up the good work!

    Suzanne Ness


    • Thanks Suzanne. I do have a great network of friends. You and everyone else I am acquainted with are an important part of my journey forward on the paths less traveled. Trying things and realizing it is not for you is way better then not knowing at all.


  26. Hi Marc! Sorry I just now got around to reading this, grats!
    So a comment, huh? Well lets see.. I really don’t know you that well.. which is horrible considering were technically family! But I love how positive you are and how you’re willing to try new stuff, I really wish I was more like that. It was also extremely nice of you to come all the way to St. Chuck to our wedding.
    Good luck with your next 100 and everything else you get yourself into!!!


    • Thank you Cassie. I am always willing to try anything once. Positivism comes natural for some but for me its a challenge, one that I certainly enjoy. I was grateful to be able to attend your wedding and glad to see you and everyone. We have a big family in many directions and with all of lifes responabilities it is hard to see everyone. I also like in St. Chuck just a different state!


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