Blog Archives

It Is Not That Easy

Another step in my journey into positivism. Nothing can stop me but here is one of my challenges! 🙂

Journey Into My Thoughts (part 2)

Journey Into My Thoughts (part 1)

Ship life for me pulls in wild thoughts sometimes. As my life changes and evolves for the better, I realize that I am filtering out the crap and making more room for a better life. I have learned to relax through meditation. When I do meditation, the thoughtless moments I create for myself are just as valuable as the visions that follow. It is all about settling down and listening to what your heart is trying to tell you. The best part is most of my visions will come true if I do everything in my power to make it happen!

I saw 2 very important visions on one of my final nights on the cruise ship:

I am laying in bed, because that it all I can do and I decided to listen to some music. At this point I was getting a little better but I still felt really bad. I was listening to some sad music to push out a few negative feelings. It always works and I was pleasantly surprised with the thoughts that followed once the negatives had left. I was envisioning my success as a motivational speaker. It was not to kids with this one but I know from the bottom of my heart that kids is where my speaking journey begins and may even stay.

I was envisioning speaking in front of thousands. This was a vision I have had many times before. My parents were there. They were there because I promised both of them, before they pass to the next life, when I make it big in my speaking career, they will be there in the front row to see it. My parents are very healthy and I do have time but when I see them in my vision with everyone else it makes me incredibly happy. My parents supported everything idea I ever had, agreeing with it or not. They started out guiding me in the right directions then letting me go to fall and fail and live my life. The best part is every time I need them they are ready to help me. The funny part is I call both of them for everything and every time I struggle with whom to call first. It is something my heart can’t decide so I just switch off each time!

I think about this one speaking moment of my future often but what came through my thoughts next was amazing and brand new. I was envisioning, unprovoked, about going home for Christmas. Standard thought for sure, as I know my mom and dad would miss me otherwise. This was very different. I was not alone! I was holding hands with a little girl. I was telling my family to take any money they had intended to spend for me and make sure they all get her something instead! It was weird that I could see this very clear. There was no attention on any woman or mother to this vision, it was just me and this girl. Shortly after that, my thoughts jumped and I was envisioning asking teachers for play dates, and then it just got more random from that point on. I never have been able to picture this again as clear as I did but I hope in time the world will tell me what this means.

There are many good things in life we can go after: Our hearts, our visions, our goals, our gratitude and much more. Listen to the positivism within yourself and you can live the most rewarding life ever. There is so much more of this world to discover outside your living room and deeper within yourself, but it is up to you to go after it!

Holding hands at sunset

Journey Into My Thoughts (part 1)

I am a strong believer of everything happening for a reason. From the success of becoming an Eagle Scout to the near death experience whitewater rafting It is all meant to give us signs and vision about our life.

I have recently took on meditation and it has really cleared up my busy mind of thought. I always have so much going on in my head and meditation has really helped with organizing those thoughts and turning them in to visions of what is to happen in my life. I might be border lining crazy talk to some of you now but everything big that happens in my life I can see it in a vision. We know life can be very challenging but when I can see what I am reaching for, getting up after I fall makes for a lighter recovery to push forward.

I have another cruise ship story to share with you:
I have realized working for the 2nd time on a cruise ship that ship life for me is a filter for the negative thoughts that are stuck in my head. I stand out on the bow of the boat at night and it is as if the salty sea air can pull the watery tears of sad thoughts right out of me. I love it because I can do it as much as I need to! You can live an incredibly positive life but you will still collect negativity in your head and I am grateful that I have found so many avenues to release all of it.

I was all positives early on for my Alaska trip and then I woke up to a numb body where I could barely move. There is no fear setting in just yet. I waited maybe 10 minutes and nothing changed, my head was pounding and I was shivering uncontrollably. I made my way to the phone to call the ship doctor. They had to come get me. Getting up for the first time, I could feel the shards of pain race down my leg as I almost fall over. I looked down at my leg and realized, right away, that it was cellulitis for sure.

The next day something more serious happened. A new disease started to feast on my left calf. I suffered thru a 104 degree temperature for 3 days as they tried to stop this bacterial infection and bring my temperature down as well. In these moments, I keep telling myself, “This is not it for me”, repeatedly. I began to think about why this is happening to me, and I discovered it was meant to slow me down. Life was moving too fast and I am standing at the front lines of the next big thing in my life and it was time to slow down and take it all in with a bit more time and care.

Yes most of this story has already been told in previous posts, but the part that has not been told is what else happened in the days right after my temperature was going down. I could think again! My body was in and out of numbness, my head started to feel better, and with slow movements, I could at least make my own way to the bathroom. I used this time alone in my room to practice meditations.

With meditation, I was able to funnel out all the negative thoughts. I was able to empty my mind. I was able to throw more hope and gratitude on staying alive. A day before I was to be sent home I had laid back down with some music and closed my eyes. In this very moment, I began to see a clear vision that I have seen a few times already, followed by one I had never seen before. Along with everything I want in life this new vision is something I hope to see again and learn more.

Please check back tomorrow for my next post

Meme Monday (Make it happen)

Finding Confidence

No matter what happens in your life you have to stay cool. You have to allow the reality that everything is going to be ok, run through your body. When you reach for big things in your life I can easily tell you from experience, it will never be a piece of cake. That cake is delicious but you need to watch out for the knife that is cutting those sweet pieces in your life. What you need for life’s endeavors is confidence. I could stop this speech with this one idea and just tell you that you can achieve anything in life by just being confident in the fact that you can do it, you will meet your goals.

When you set out on a new journey, it can be fun but the one I embark on currently has already been testing the confidence of many parts of my life. I am working with something I have never done in a place I have never been. The great part of this is I am adventuring to a place I have always wanted to go.

You do not need to find confidence, it is already in you, all you have to do is not be afraid to use it. It is a worthwhile but heavy toll as confidence puts you at the front seat of everything you want in life. You have to be ready to fail just as much as you succeed. You have to know when one way does not work try another. No one but you can take your confidence away. In the same confidence that you know you can breathe, know that you can do anything!

Pick Up and Move, Florida Gratitude

From previous post.
When I got back home, it was the car ride from the airport that I realized I don’t belong in Illinois anymore. This realization and many more signs and hard work has put me in the great spot I am today. You will have to wait till next week to find out what was next for me.
Life will just exist, but in order to make it existing you need to face many challenges, fall, rise up, and move on! One chapter to the next I am living my life. Change to change I am full of gratitude the whole way.

I gratefully stayed at my sister’s place when I got home from my cruise adventure. I went on our families camping trip as a surprise and saw tons of family, but then realized it was time for change. My friend Chris and his wife Reese were up from Florida to visit and gave me the idea to move down and stay with them till I got on my feet! With my money running out, my credit cards maxing, my desire for more big change, and my friends grateful offer, I packed my car. I had a party and said good bye to Illinois. Now I was Florida bound on only the promise of an interview for a job! I had about a half dozen people worried for my drive down here, given my sleepy history, but I MADE IT!

Sunny, hot, stormy Florida was my new home. Guess what, that interview went south! I guess I was meant to be more than simply a zipline instructor. Chris and Reese work with the school district and suggested I set my efforts there. First I applied to be a substitute teacher and was lining myself up to nail this job. Then I applied to be a Para Professional for several schools. In the light of burning to the end of my money I also applied for everything even graphic design jobs. I WILL GET A JOB, that was my full time job.

I had an amazing interview at one school, the first and only interview I had down here. A few days later I got a call from my previous boss in the design business and he said the school called him and he gave me a glowing review. He also jumped the gun and said I got the job. No sooner then immediately after I hung up the phone did the Principle from my new job call me to offer me that job! YES of course I took it. The rest of this week my phone rang off the hook for interviews from other schools, and other job opportunities, I declined all of them. The funny thing is I just realized the job I have now was the only actual interview I had down here…..and I NAILED IT!

Five shout-outs for this amazing job find! I am grateful for the help of Reese, Chris, Jon, Megan, and Denise.

The job working with children has many rewards and some of my regular followers have already read about it too. I never thought I would be working with children like I am but there is far more to my experience down here. I have been kayaking on many occasions, I have visited every person I know down here, I have been to the beach so many times I lost count, I have seen so much nature has to offer here, I have seen friends from my cruise job, I have meet new people, MLS has expanded a brand new team down here the Orlando City Soccer Club, I have really strengthened my knowledge, interest and skill in spiritual energy healing, I have found a church I actually enjoy going to, and the list just keeps going. I am grateful for every little bit that I have experienced already down here and the world still has so much more to show me.

Change is challenging, but without a challenge there is no change. It’s been a scary ride the past few years but I have not stopped smiling sense the moment I got down here to Florida. I am grateful to be able to say life is amazing down here. I have made so many big changes and as long as I stick it out my heart has not lied to me once. Gratitude has been my main passenger on life’s journey and certainly there is no shortage of things to be grateful for with my life down here in Florida.


Day 18 of 31 Days of Gratitude. Check out my Facebook page ( participate, like my page and share it with your friends. Let the world know what you are grateful for.

Variety Friday (Mother Teresa)


You have heard me time and again say I am on a quest to love everything in life. Excepting everything is the same thing. There is good in every bad situation but you have to be willing to look if you are to be able to see it. We all have problems in our life and its those problems that lead paths of gratitude to were you want to be in life. Be grateful for the good things, be grateful for the problems and be grateful for the journey.

31 Days of Gratitude. Check out my Facebook page ( participate, like my page and share it with your friends. Let the world know what you are grateful for.

Blog Gratitude

My very first blog post was August 29th 2012.

Hello world!

“Today I start a new life. A life where the good will remain and the bad shall travel in a different lane. Working up the motivation and courage to start this has been a long thought process, so in light of getting a good nights rest I shall tell my story the next time I post.”

I am so grateful for this entire blogging experience. I am getting my ideas out there, my writing is getting better, I am finding more inspiration, and meeting new amazing people. 253 posts later it is great to see what I have become, and what I have overcome. I have met people from all over the world and my blog has been viewed in 116 countries, and I have traveled to places I never thought I would be. The best part is there are so many more great things and people to meet as well as places to visit. This blog has proven to be the best journey of my entire life and it only leads to more great things.

Grateful for my blog journey and everything I have done and who I have met along the way! This journey never ends and I love every minute of it!

31 Days of Gratitude. Check out my Facebook page ( participate, like my page and share it with your friends. Let the world know what you are grateful for.


What are your passions? What do you desire most in life? Have you experienced them? Are you working towards them? How many passions do you have?

Passion is important in your life. We are not robots that just eat sleep and work. Some of you may feel like robots some days but there are things you are interested in beyond the normal routine of your day. Your passions could be as simple as a good book or homemade cheese cake, but also as lavish as moving to France or reaching the top of Mount Everest. Passion is not just a thing it’s a journey, the path to things you love in life. Without passion along the way I would never be where I am today.

People who have and show a lot of passion are the ones that are flourishing in happiness. Passionate people are the ones that can be positive through the toughest of challenges. Most of all Passionate people carry a love inside of them, unique to them, that they share with everyone.

Fill your life with passion, Fill your path with love and be grateful for the journey.

UPwithMarch I will be expressing 31 days of Gratitude. I will be posting one thing I am grateful for everyday on my Facebook Page. Be sure and check it out each day and I encourage you to follow my page, share it with your friends and write what you are grateful for in the comments below each day. You don’t have to comment everyday but pick a day or days you wish to contribute by telling the world what you are grateful for. My blog posting will continue as normal but each post will also be about Gratitude.

I would be most grateful for your contributions. It only takes a few seconds to write but the feeling you give yourself from sharing will last much longer!


Why am I here? I reach that point of pure inspiration and I have no idea how to explain it. My life struggles are merely a matter of opinion. Plenty of others have it far better or worse than I do. I continue to rise every morning in search of the unknown. Some days I have full confidence in where I want to be in my life, other days I wonder if I am insane. I get asked again and again the purpose of my blog, the purpose of my desire to be a motivational figure, and the purpose of my new life. All people, positively curious, want a fine tuned answer of where I am going. I don’t have an answer. We set goals and work towards them all the time, but sometimes there are bigger things in life then even your goals. Sometimes you wake up in the morning and you just let life happen.

Sure I want to be a motivational speaker but have I narrowed down what I want to motivate people about? NO. Right now if I did that I would be narrowing my view, narrowing my life. This is a concept I finally understand. I remain open to catch everything. I talked a few times about heartbreak, but truthfully it is that heartbreak that has lead me to who I am today. Any negative opinions of my challenges, successes, and my journey just don’t matter anymore. If you can believe it I am transforming myself little by little into the most positive person I have ever known.

Sure, I make mistakes, big mistakes. You would to when you try to introduce your positivism in a negative world. The biggest thing I have thought about my whole life is how different I am from everyone, from my style all the way down to my thought process. I am nothing close to perfect but I am original.

Everything I do now in life carries great purpose. When I struggle to meet goals or even find love in my life I realize that there is a higher purpose that I have only begun to discover. I am grateful I have found this journey. I am grateful you have read this and I am grateful you are part of my journey. This journey is far from the beginning and far from over.

After a little over 2 weeks it is good to be back. For the month of March I will be doing 31 days of Gratitude. I will be posting one thing I am grateful for everyday on my Facebook Page. Be sure and check it out each day and I encourage you to write what you are grateful for in the comments below each day.

Never Give Up

It’s hard to wait. It’s hard to try over and over again without any good result. It’s hard to fail and not feel a little worse each time. How much can you take before it’s time to give up?

Most of my close friends and family can a test to how close to edge of life I have got. They have seen me fall hard, again and again. They have seen me ready to give up, ready to say I am done. They have seen me scream, cry, and beg the universe for an answer. All of us will literally stumble upon hard times. In fact if you have never faced a challenge that has pushed you to your limits, you have so much more of your life to experience yet.

As the sweat from my forehead beads into the tears of my face, the monster has arrived. I have fought the good fight that my journey may be over. My next destination is thru the thick fog and I have no idea what is inside there, or what lies on the other side. I’m going in and you better believe I am coming out the other side as a better person! This I do know. Every challenge I face makes me stronger more willing to face the next.

You know what the people I care about have never seen? They have never seen me stay down when I fall. They have never seen me stop when there is just so much more road to follow. They have never seen me make a goal and not go after it with everything I have got. Those I keep close to my heart have never seen me give up.

Don’t give up on your dreams and you goals it is not worth it. No matter how long that journey is, keep going. No matter how many times you have to try and try again, keep at it. When you fall get up and never stop. When you have to wait and there is nothing else you can do, you wait. Your goal is close by, your destination is right around the corner, that treasure you have been looking for all your life you are about to run right into, but the only way to see any of it is to never give up. NEVER GIVE UP.

Anyone that says life is easy is a fool. Anyone who wants to experience their full potential is going to stumble through the gates of victory out of breath with scraped knees. Carrying the satisfaction of making it is what strengthens everyone for the next seemingly impossible journey. Everything is possible in life but it takes a person willing to never give to get there.

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