Blog Archives

I Am Different

I have had cellulitis for over a week now. I was stripped from my Alaskan cruise adventure but I had a great time when I was there. You will hear more about it soon! I am at home healing now; I have no desire to eat, watch tv, listen to music, read, do anything artsy, and I am struggling to write this even. My mind has given me no shortage of a thought process. I am thinking about EVERYTHING! I am grateful that I have learned to be more mature and productive with my thoughts at least.

The biggest thing I think about is my life. Who I was and the transition to I am and want to be. 3 years have gone by sense I saw the dark depths of my life for the 2nd time. Only this time I ran out. I climbed out with a plan. A plan for a better me? Taking risks that average people will never take. Some I succeeded some I failed. I stand and continue to move forward. I have harnessed a completely new life. There is no backup plan to my old life, the old me. Some people can’t handle the change; some people don’t understand the change and others could care less. I got away from those people. I may disappear into the beautiful and busy lives some of you have but when you think of me or reach out for me, my hand will always be right there!

Meeting new people has been slow but promising because the positive people I search for are being drawn to me little by little. Most of my time however has been spent pushing me to be this person I envision. Someone to inspire many with everything I do in life.

Everything happens for a reason right? Well I get the reason for cellulitis. I am moving too fast right now. I am conquering things and moving forward so easy and so fast and I am about to step into a new amazing wave of my life and I need to slow down. The Illness is forcing me to slow down. I don’t need to be an overnight motivational speaker but I do need to motivate this world as soon as I say I am ready. I have told my story time and again and I leave the heartache out of it yet people are still completely inspired with what I am trying to achieve. People stop and listen to the end and they have nothing but encouragement to share after that.

I am different, and I will make a difference!


Focus On Your Life


I have finished my first book this month called “Black Hole Focus”, by Isaiah Hankel PhD. So many great life changing ideas in this book and it is not ironic that the one thing I want to share with you involves the Ideas of focus.

Isaiah talks about the ideas of a black hole. It is not so much that things fall into a black hole and disappear but more so things fall into a black hole and change. In our lives we fall into holes and we do not disappear do we? The Idea behind change is to emerge from the holes in life changed for the better.

That was at the very beginning of the book and now I want to skip right to the end.
“Do it all. Have a whatever-it-takes mentality”, says Isaiah. He is right, go after everything you can in life. Learn as much as possible, not as fast as possible but as efficient as possible. There are those of us who have a focus on life that is too small, with that you are not giving your life much expectation to be amazing. On the other hand it is actually harmful to have to big of a focus as you give your life less time to really get to know the true potential. To add more value to your life you need to narrow your focus and you really will start to discover your purpose. That is what “Black Hole Focus” is all about, finding a more meaningful purpose to your life and all the whys to follow.

Your goals are important in life but you do not want too many at one time. What are your main goals, your biggest goals? Now focus on those and what it is going to take to achieve the big goals by using smaller goals to step your way to the top.

The new book I started reading is called “Everything Happens For A reason”, by Mira Kirshenbaum. It is a collection of stories that are explaining the meaning behind all the things, good and bad, that happen in your life.

Bottom line for today’s post is, go after everything you want in life. No matter if you succeed or fail, all your goals have a specific reason in your life. That’s enough motivation to push on and go after great things in your life. You have nothing to lose but the thought of not trying.

Thomas Edison, Famous Quote Friday


“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”

Thomas Edison

So many people perceive failure as a bad thing. Failure makes us stronger. Failure makes us smarter. You cannot succeed without failing. You can fail 10,000 times and still succeed. If there was no failure success would not exist.

Thomas Edison’s quote is about not giving up. He did not acquire his success and fame by giving up. He was determined with his inventions. Everything he tried that did not work only brought him closer to success.  It is all about attitude. Are you ready to go out there in the world and fail? Are you ready to pull in more success than ever before? Then be ready to fail.

Seriously it’s just that simple, more failures equals more success! Don’t be afraid to fail, don’t be afraid to take risks, and don’t be afraid to learn. Instead be prepared to learn all you can out of each failure in your life.

You are not going to fail on purpose you are going fail from trying…trying your best. What are you going to learn today? How will you fail? Take risks and step out of your comfort zone today and tomorrow will be your success.

Check out my FACEBOOK for more Ultra Positivism!

Just a reminder next week I will not be posting. Thank you very much to all of my loyal followers and those new to Up With Marc!


No matter what your past is, drop it. Yes hold on to the good memories for sure, I am talking about dropping your troubles, your failures and your negative attitude. Think about right now! Where is your life headed today?

Stand tall among the challenges. Eliminate surprise by expecting to fail, but from failure expect success. Learn all you can from your mistakes. Work to your wits end for success. Place no blame on others, you control your future. Ask questions until you are left with pure knowledge. Try again, push forward and break thru. Strike a fire of determination upon your goals.

Get what you want out of life by determination. Don’t sit back and wait for life to happen, begin to create yours now.  It is not a matter of what you deserve it is a matter of what you have earned in your life. Don’t put all your pride in an open hand. Pry open the fist of challenge and take leaps never attempted, only then can you feel the adrenaline of pure determination.

NEVER GIVE UP. Never give up on your dreams. Do everything you can to make them come true. It is in your level of determination that you will get out of life what you deserve.

You choose your path, and attitude in life. If you sit on the couch watching reality shows all day it is safe to say your life is going nowhere. You accept the minimum with very little effort; your life is going nowhere. You blame others for the negatives you encounter; your life is going nowhere. Get up and try or learn something new every day. Reach for the maximum potential in your life; push your boundaries of success. Take responsibility for your actions and what you are reaching in life.

Stop talking about how you want your life to be and what you deserve and start taking action and be grateful for want you have earned in life. Go out there and get what you want out of life NOW!

I am challenged to find everyone to LIKE my new Facebook page and determined to get you to share it with your friends.

Dr. Deepak Chopra, Famous Quote Friday

 “In every failure lies the seeds of success.”

-Dr. Deepak Chopra

Dr. Deepak Chopra is an Indian American working as a Alternative Medicine Practitioner, Physician, Public Speaker and Writer.  Dr. Deepak Chopra is certainly a medical and spiritual leader of or time. This very simple phrase, “In every failure lies the seeds of success,” packs so much meaning. It is common knowledge that no successful life is void of failure. Everyone fails at some point and it is how you react to that failure that makes you successful. Failure is how we learn. Failure is how we help future generations. Failure is how we succeed. It is like your taking these failures and planting them in your life and with a positive attitude and determination you can watch these seed grow to great things. The very concept of this blog seeded the grounds of my life and grow in result of a past failure. Now every one of you who follow, support and comment on on my blog are helping it grow to a very successful future, and I am beyond grateful for all of your support.

I’m not afraid to fail because I know I can always find positive growth out of every situation. What seeds of success are in your life? What is helping them grow? Have a great weekend and Happy November. I look forward to seeing you Monday for Picture Quote Monday’s.

100th POST

Intellectual: Developed or guided by the knowledge rather than by personal experience.

I don’t want to live with my nose in a big text book drumming up tons of facts. I love reading for sure so don’t get me wrong, but I want to live outside in the real world experiencing and experimenting with success and failure. I don’t need a masters degree to prove anything. I don’t need to be monetarily rich. I certainly don’t want to brain wash you telling you what to do with your life.

I want to share my positive view points with those willing to read or listen. I want to hear everyone’s opinion too! I want to help everyone I can in any way I can. I have lost so much in my life but gained so much more. The success I seek in life now will never just fall on my lap, I will have to work very hard for it. There will be many downs on my path but when I am going up I am like a positive firecracker.

One thing about me that some of you may know. I have a hard time to this day accepting compliments. Or thinking of myself. That being said I want to take this moment to be a little full of myself in asking something from all of you. Now some of you may not know me in person, some of you I have just met, some of you I have known for many years, some of you are very good friends and some of you have known me for 32 years. I want everyone willing, either now or in the near future to leave a comment on this blog post. Not just any comment, a comment about me. Think back as far or close as you want. Think of a time I have helped you with something important, think of a time I have inspired you, hey maybe even a time I changed your life. In as many words as you want tell me about it. For those that don’t know me very well yet, maybe think of a blog or quote I posted that particularly inspired you and tell me about it. If you don’t have anything to say that is alright, stick around because the future holds many more positive things in it and we are going to live up to all of them together. It is really important to me that you comment. If it is something you do not wish to share in public you can always email me instead ( I am not in any contest or looking for an ego boost I merely want to gather enough positivism to carry me through the next 100 posts.

I am grateful for all of you who share this blogging journey with me and hope you stick around so all of us together can keep making this a bigger positive experience! Have a great week and I look forward to hearing from you.

Famous Quote Friday

“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”

-Thomas Edison-

Failure is just an excuse for quieting. Don’t ever give up. When you think you found every way to fail there will be more learning experiences headed your way. When you think you have found every way to succeed I guarantee there are still more ways out there. Never stop looking, never stop learning, never give up. Perhaps you have never fully succeeded until you have found 10,000 ways to fail.

Even being in the greatest job ever right now, I have found a handful of failures. But you just have to look at it with a determined mind. “I have failed today, but I have learned my lesson for tomorrow.” -Marc Meyer-

Ok, ok, how can I not come up with my own quote on the coat tails of Thomas Edison? 😛

Check out my other blog later today I will be posting all the quotes I created in January.

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Go Forward ...

Inspirational Quotes, Meditations, Affirmations and Thoughts to Share