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Your Life Is A Masterpiece!

I think I will be able to finish one more book before months end! I am halfway through “The Carpenter,” by Jon Gordon and it has been an amazing story. It is about a carpenter that helps others not only with his exquisite cabinetry making skills but also with life success skills as well.

The main thing I have already taken away from reading “The Carpenter” is to do everything with gratitude and love. You have to be grateful for the steps to your goals and you need to give gratitude to those that touch your life all the way to the top. Most importantly you need to love what you are doing. You need to love everything. Your many success strategy toward any goal is to love everything on the way there. Every challenge, every step backward, and every fall you need to love just as much as the things that are easy to love about your successes.

This book really puts meaning to what I say in my “About Me” blog post, I am on a quest to love everything in life and I am doing just that! You need to take chances in life but you don’t live by chance alone. You live by love and you need to design your life to become a masterpiece. Take what you see as your main goal and put it in front of your life and then design the steps you need to take to get to that point. You are designing your own masterpiece in life.

I would like to last note a paragraph from “The Carpenter”:
“I see it differently,”said the carpenter. “I see you resting and learning. I see you getting stronger. I see you preparing for greater things so you can take your life and business to a higher level. Always remember that our biggest battle comes before our greatest victory. And I see great victories in your future.”

I certainly see great victories in my future, do you see them in yours?


Join UP (Ultra Positive) With Marc

My quest is very simple, love everything in life and find as many positive people as possible! I, as one, I am strong, but at 2000 and counting, not just me but WE can be stronger! I am over 2000 here but on Facebook I just hit 2000 and I am very excited about this and look forward to more to come.


Much Gratitude for those that have helped me reach over 2000 followers here and 2000 likes on my Facebook page. Here is where it all began almost 3 years ago.

I look back at all I have done in this time and it really feels like 6 years because I have done so much in my life and with myself! There will be many years to come and I am grateful for all those that will help me get there!

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Much Gratitude to all!

Meme Monday (Gratitude 4)

Gratitude 4

DAY 23: I am grateful for the internet. It allows me to find everything I need and share everything I want.



31 Days of Gratitude. Check out my Facebook page ( participate, like my page and share it with your friends. Let the world know what you are grateful for.


It was the sign of my watch I wore on the cruise ship stopping that said it was time to go home, which also lead to my move to Florida. I just found my watch among my stuff again to my surprise it was working again. I take this as another sign that I am were I am supposed to be. I think my fate lies deeper in the sign that my watch is not just working again but at the exact time that it is right now! WHOA! I do not have a straight answer for this occurrence and perhaps here and now is where I need to keep my mind. Maybe it’s a sign that right now is what matters most in my life…right now is what matters most in all our lives! (Ask The Ocean)

Life is hard. You must find yourself before you find success or love. Even when you do find yourself that quest for what you want most in life still seems so far away. The pillars of life collapse all around you as you move forward. It’s when those pillars of life slam down right in front of you that makes you want to turn around. You can’t turn around. You are so far into your quest for a true life to live, that turning around seems just as impossible as moving forward. Stuck you search the skies above for answers, but the real answers lie within. Every answer worth receiving in life is inside your heart and soul. The real challenge is not discovering that it is in there, it is actually finding it once you know. Life will bring you to your knees and when it does you must close your eyes and release all doubt that exists within. Leave more room for the answers to live your life to the fullest. You will not find what you are looking for in a past life or the next, you will find everything within you RIGHT NOW!


Variety Friday (Super Man)

“Either you decide to stay in the shallow end
of the pool or you go out in the ocean.”
Christopher Reeve


Basically what Christopher Reeve says is you either take the easy way or you challenge yourself. Challenge yourself in deeper waters, go down a road less traveled, go where no one has gone before, or conquer your fears! Jump into your world and get wet. Live your life the way your heart tells you to do every day! Not only can you travel far out on the ocean but you can go deep down too. Perhaps the depths of the ocean represent your mind. Dive into your own mind and listen. Life is what you make of it and I am going to make mine a positive one.

I was once afraid of the water. Now I love the water, I worked on the ocean, I live by the ocean, I listen to the ocean, and I love the ocean. That shallow end of the pool is my past, and the ocean is my present as I swim toward my future.

Have a great day everyone and may your weekend be full of positive adventures.

Meme Monday (Beautiful Things)


Beautiful things happen all the time!

Be sure to follow me here and like my Facebook for more things positive!

Variety Friday (Afro Celt)

Afro Celt Sound System is a band I discovered many years ago and I am beyond happy that the song I love is On YouTube.

“When I Still Needed You” by Afro Celt Sound System

For those that understand or know the lyrics this song could carry a notion that is not positive. However, as I have said many times positivity can be found in any negative and anywhere. To me this song, little did I realize, represents my current journey of positivism. I know I found this years ago but things fall into our lives and we may not know until years later. I flipped this song on again, few weeks ago and it inspired me completely.

We fill our heads with drama, pointless thoughts, and negative things. The only way to push it out is to push Positives in. This is what I have been doing. It is amazing how much more room for positives there is in your head and in your life when you push everything else out. This song is kind of a reflection of the past when I was dependent on such simple negative things but now I choose the harder journey to find much greater things for my life. If this song does not lift you up to a better place you really need to listen to it again. There was a time when I still needed the old Marc but now there is no time or room for him anymore. Better things have already been planted in my past, I live to love everything life has to offer now, and my future will make the stars in the sky jealous. No matter where I look its positive. You can’t stop me. Can you put your life into a position where you are unstoppable? Do it NOW!

For those that know me very well if you listen closely at 5:55 you may just laugh a little! 😛

Ask The Ocean

Sometimes you need to get answers that you cannot figure out. Sometimes you just want to know what to do next in your life. Sometimes you just have a simple question. When you have questions obviously you want them answered. Perhaps it is an answer that mom and dad can’t give you even though they know everything! Maybe it is beyond the realm of your teacher. Unless you’re fixed on the Magic 8 Ball for answering your life questions, there are still so many ways to get your answer. You can ask God, you can look to your guardian angel, you can entrust spiritual leaders or healers, you can scream life’s burning questions at the top of the mountain and listen to the answers in your echos. There are many ways to get life’s questions answered and I for one have begun asking the ocean!
(warning long story :P) You can get your answer anywhere but until you believe that things happen for a reason you will never hear the right answers. Life is a personal journey and this is part of mine.


I went on vacation with my sister. We went on a cruise through the Southern Caribbean. All I could think about before the trip was our day at sea. I had no Idea why the open ocean was calling to me. But I answered! The day had finally come and this day turned out to be one of the best days in my entire life. It was my first vacation with just my sister, it was my first time on a cruise ship, and my first time at sea. I sat out on our balcony for a good hour staring out to the endless nothings of the deep ocean. This was about 2 years ago and to this day I have shared this story with no one in such detail, not even my sister who was right there. The Ocean talked to me that day. It said “Marc this is where you belong, this is your life, this is your happiness, and this is where you start living your life.” Moments after my connection with the Ocean an announcement came over the main intercom of the ship. It was for bingo at 9am! I told my sister that we should check it out. Ya know live it up by playing bingo, ha! We played and several numbers were called and when you are one number away from bingo you stand. People all over were standing up. People were calling false bingos left and right. Finally it was my turn to stand! That very next number was mine, but 4 others also stood up. Now if we all won the winnings would be split. One after another, again more false bingos. I begin to doubt my card. I was the last card to be read in that theater, and I was the only one to win $750 to spend on the ship for our day at sea. WHOA! I never win anything like that. I looked back on this event only a few weeks ago and realized, the Ocean gave that win to me, and live it up we did. My sister and I got full massage packages; we bought stuff in the shops for ourselves and some people at home. We shared our winnings on drinks for our dinner guests and spent the rest on ourselves with more beverages. I had never won that much money, I had never had such a nice watch, I had never had a massage. Who would have thought that this day at sea on our cruise would be the front lines to things I have never done.

That same evening when our winnings were almost out, we were chatting with the bartender. Here it comes I asked her the question of my future and I believe she was speaking on behalf of the Ocean that night. I ask “how does one go about getting a job on a cruise ship?”

A year and a half later and lots of hard work and changes to my life I was about to step on to the moving vassal of my future that floats upon the Ocean, who has given me so much already…..Waiting, waiting, waiting to be assigned to a ship and finally it comes, for 6 months I will be on Royal Caribbean’s Jewel of the Seas touring, wouldn’t you know, the Southern Caribbean. I was so ready for this job. I was ready to have the Ocean by my side. Every time I could I stepped out on the open decks of my new job and had many talks with the Ocean. I poured my soul into these deep waters, as the beauty of the crashing waves mesmerized my senses. So began my love affair with the water not only did I hang out ocean side on the ship I also took every opportunity to float within the waters on every beach we visited.

Then something terrible happened, I was allergic to something and it was bad. On the ship and on the shore they did all they could to remedy my situation to no avail. (in no way does my experience reflect what the guest experience on this amazingly beautiful ship.) I could hardly sleep, and my already long work days were getting harder and harder. It looked like I was going to have to be sent home. About a week before I did get sent home my watch that I bought on my vacation stopped working. Well my watched stopped before the time it should have but I now know it was a sign that it was time to go home.

I pleaded with the Ocean as to why this was happening. I loved it out here in the open waters. I got home and it just did not feel the same. What I called home was more uncomfortable than ever. I knew shortly after that I must get near the Ocean once again. That is what brings me down here to Florida.

This past week over Thanksgiving break I stood by the Ocean alone for just a few minutes at a time almost every day up in New Symerna Beach, FL. All I asked is “what is next”? This brings us up to just about right now! I Listened, I listened to the waves crash up on the beach, I felt the waves crash into me, I walked the beach up and down to let the Ocean know I was there. I woke up one of the mornings later in the week, and to my surprise my answers have come.

The Ocean has spoken to me clearly once again, “Marc you belong here, the ocean needs you close by. Your job search landed a new career choice to make a different and it is where you belong right now. Your next step is to settle down and continue to build your new life here. Your next step is to find someone special to share the rest of your life with”.
Everything happens for a reason, it is what you choose to hear and see that shapes your future. Live your life, Love your life, and share it with others. Take your next question to the ocean and let yourself accept whatever answer it gives you.

Okay so that was long! But I hope that some of you have been inspired! I Sometimes part of becoming positive is reading positive stories or writing your own even. love all of you, and I am grateful for all your support.

Meme Monday (Meant To Be)

meant to be!

Your life journey is meant to be enjoyed!

Be sure to follow me here and like my Facebook for more things positive!

From The Inside Out!

Do you love yourself?

Loving yourself is where everything good starts in your life. No lasting good can grow in your life without first honoring what it means to be you. No success has flourished in the hands of those who simply copy others. We are all original. We all have something to offer this world. We all have love to offer to ourselves. Believe in yourself, love yourself and you shall see a brighter path on the journey that is your life.

Be confident with yourself and your goals. Your journey will be full of failure but if you get up each time you will see your success soon enough. Doubt yourself and your path shall be filled with regret.

You cannot fully love another person without loving who you are first. If you don’t believe you are amazing, that is the image you portray to others. If you are confident and love who you are the right person or people are out there to show you that same love in return.

Who are you? Let the world know. Be it to the masses or one person at a time tell the world you are great and knock down those that stand opposed to your own positive self-image. We all have the greatness in us and it is up to ourselves to retrieve it from our own hearts before we can share it with others. Love yourself on the inside first and then learn to love everything else on the outside of your life.

You need to live your life from the inside out! Only then can all your dreams come true. I ask again…..Do you love yourself?

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