Daily Archives: February 28, 2014

Famous Quote Friday (John McLeod)

“Life holds so many simple blessings, each day bringing it’s own individual wonder.”

John McLeod

John McLeod has gone through many challenges. He had a very big learning and reading disability and as soon as he knew how, he began writing poetry to cope with his situation. He would write about his own life experiences and he began to realize the real power of words and how inspiring they can be. John passed away a few years ago but he left behind plenty of wisdom an inspiration for future generations.

All of us have challenges through life. How we are reacting to them is what shapes our future. I can relate to Johns life. I had a slight reading disability when I was younger. Very few people know about this but in High School I sacrificed my lunch hours to take a special reading class. That class was another life saver for me. Because of that, I was able to read and comprehend better and get better grades in my classes. Still today I have my few grammar follies and get hung up on big or new words, only now I just laugh when people call me out or make fun of me because they have no idea how hard I worked, who I was then and who I am becoming now. All they see is the negative. Every book I read every blog I write strengthens my abilities for improvement each time. I am grateful that none of this has held me back from being a great person, trying my best at everything I do and achieve all that I want to achieve.

I have discovered just as John that each day is a new day and each day has so much to offer. There is so much wonder in our lives but we need to be open to see it. We get hung up on our big goals and big changes. We don’t realize the small blessings in life. What makes you smile, how many times has someone said thank you or how many times have you said it? Be yourself, be generous, and be grateful; you are building wonder within yourself and at the same time blessing others with setting them up to find their own wonders. We live in a wondrous world why not encourage that wonder as much as possible.

Have a great weekend everyone. If you have not already please follow my FACEBOOK page for more positive inspiration.

It’s The Journey That’s Important . . .
Poet: John McLeod

Life, sometimes so wearying
Is worth its weight in gold
The experience of traveling
Lends a wisdom that is old
Beyond our ‘living memory’
A softly spoken prayer:

“It’s the journey that’s important,
Not the getting there!”

Ins and outs and ups and downs
Life’s road meanders aimlessly?
Or so it seems, but somehow
Leads us where we need to be,
And being simply human
We often question and compare . . .

“Is the journey so important
Or the getting there?”

And thus it’s always been
That question pondered down the ages
By simple men with simple ways
To wise and ancient sages . . .
How sweet then, quietly knowing
Reaching destination fair:

 “It’s the journey that’s important,
Not the getting there!”

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Inspirational Quotes, Meditations, Affirmations and Thoughts to Share