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Blow Your Own Mind

I visited my hometown area for Christmas and New Years in the Northwest parts of the Chicago area. Being a resident of Florida now and it being winter time I was anxious to see the snow again. Sense I booked my flight I hoped for snow for some time, and waited in controlled excitement for that day, just like I waited for my day at sea on my cruise vacation a few years ago. That day never came and as I flew back home that snow began to fall.

I felt weird on the way home and I told my mom and dad it was weird that I was flying home to what most people call a vacation spot, and where I came to visit was where I used to live. I landed in Florida only to hear my Father say the snow plow just went by and my Mother sends me pictures of the 4 inches of snow she got and it is still coming down. I missed what I really wanted to see by hours not even a whole day!

Should I be disappointed? NO! When you do something enough it becomes habit. On a journey to love everything in life you must take initiative to find the positives in the not so glamorous situations. Finding positives has become second nature to me. Yes I am from Illinois, snow is glamorous to me! Right off the bat anyone can conclude that I left just in time, without having any weather delays and I got home safely. I was sitting in my room in shorts and a t-shirt; thinking about the snow I was missing, I was sweating and it felt so hot here! I was antsy to look into my new Spanish-speaking program and my new Chakra set but my mind lays distracted by the snow I missed.

I took the time to figuring out what was going on in my head and I realized I wrote my answer to this issue of missing the snow, last Friday!

Variety Friday (purpose) “Finding your way means stepping away from something good for something better.”

I actually got a little teary eyed writing this because my life now has been full of inspiration and I have so much to be grateful for as a result. On more than one occasion I have succeeded in blowing my own mind. This was one of those times. These self discoveries are what taking your own path in life is all about. I shed no disappointment for not seeing more than a light dusting of snow when I left, but I do take pride in standing here in Florida, a resident for only about 6 months, and looking back up north with praise for what this world has given to me up to this point. There is more coming, there is always more coming if that is what you believe in. The snow is good but for my life the ocean is better.

William Shakespeare, Famous Quote Friday


“As soon go kindle fire with snow, as seek to quench the fire of love with words.”
William Shakespeare

Well some of you never saw that coming did you? I decided to challenge myself. William Shakespeare, a poet and a play writer, has inspired many through the years with his elegant twists of words and well written plays. I was never a huge fan of Shakespeare as I could never understand what he was saying. However, now that my reading and writing are improving I may have to take a gander at his work more now.

In the suns brightness of our powder filled days, the coming of winter is upon us. A cozy fire breathes just as we do and loves necessity is not just the breaths we take with words but the steps we conquer with our hearts. Fire full of snow is no fire as love with only words is just a story without your actions. There is love in words but there is lasting love within your feet as you step ahead.

That was my explanation of Shakespeare’s quote. Not too shabby I would say! Basically what I have interpreted from his quote is that you cannot fuel a fire with snow. Likewise you cannot achieve true love with only your words. His creative writing even though it is hard to interpret, amazes me. There are so many ways to convey the same idea to people and there are so many ways to receive that idea. The same with love; There are many ways to love and to show love and there are many ways to receive it and to be grateful for it.

If you are interested in where this was from you can check out “Two Gentlemen Of Verona” Act 2 Scene 7.

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